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We are celebrating the launch of our revamped web page. Please take a look at all our new content, sign up for our email newsletter or send us a message. We look forward to hearing from you!

October is “Pastor Appreciation Month” and we will be promoting “Abigail’s Gift” to encourage donations to help us help pastors in need.  Watch for more information on this opportunity.

Abigail’s gift for David’s watchmen who guarded and cared for her shepherds

A rich man, named Nabal, had 3000 sheep, 1000 goats.  He was sheering his sheep in Carmel; near Maon in Carmel.  David had been protecting Nabal’s shepherds and sent his watchmen to ask for a gift. Nabal refuses them and sends them away.

David was enraged at the way his men were treated.  He gathered his army of men and headed to Nabal’s intending to take what he had requested.

One of the shepherds heard what Nabal had told David’s men and saw how they were treated.  He went to Abigail and told her what had happened and assured her that David’s men had been their protectors.  Abigail sensed the coming danger and gathered a gift to present to David. She left immediately and found David on the way to take things by force.  

When she met David she humbly bowed before him and asked his forgiveness for how his men had been treated.   Her actions prevented David from taking things into his owns hands and committing a terrible sin.

Abigail learned what David’s watchmen had done for the shepherds and took steps to help them.  

This story gives us a great example of how we can help God’s Shepherds.  Will you consider giving a gift to help us provide for Shepherds who are in need.